5 ways brand photography will elevate your business

We humans are visual creatures and the brand photography images you use give that all important first impression. And that can be good or bad. The great news is that our brains were BUILT to process visual information – the bad is that it can process an image in 13 milliseconds. That’s 60 THOUSAND times quicker than we process text. Crazy, huh?

Of course, as a brand photographer I’m going to insist that you NEED great brand photography. It’s the foundation of your marketing plan and it will elevate your business and get those all important SALES / BOOKINGS – you know those little things we need to stay in business?

It’s something I regularly invest in for my own business, because I know that having high quality brand images boosts my business. Here are my top 5 reasons why:

1. Brand Photography is part of your marketing strategy.

When we think marketing, we think email lists, newsletters, social media, blog posts and seasonal promotions. Don’t we? And all of that stuff is super important. And it all needs quality and professional brand photography to back it up.

We are surrounded by a sea of content and bearing in mind how quickly our content hungry brains process information, you want to make sure it’s a good image or your people will scroll on by!

By incorporating brand photography into your overall marketing stragegy, you’ll see an uptick in your engagement, revenue and customer base. Booooom!

2. People buy from people!

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again – people LOVE to see the face behind the brand. I know I always scroll straight to the about page of a business website, especially if it’s a small service-based business. In my line of work I constantly come across people who want to hide their faces away from the world. But why? It’s usually an abject fear of the camera. But….it’s not a nice to have, you NEED to be visible in business and investing in some good quality brand photography will help put you at ease!

It’s that know, like, TRUST factor. I’m a photographer, so my images of other people should be enough to get me all the business I need, right? But the reality is that when I post a picture of myself that someone else took to social media, I see a surge in engagement.

3. It conveys a sense of quality

Let’s think about this for a minute. Say, if you’re shopping for a necklace on instagram (as you do!) Are you going to be more tempted by the page full of high quality brand photography images, or the page with the inconsistent smartphone photos? The same goes for headshots of service based business owners. Sure the portrait mode on the smartphone is pretty good these days….. but it’s still obvious its a selfie. It really is worth investing in a professional to take those brand photographs to convey the quality you deserve for yourself and your business

4. Brand photography helps you tell your story

Brand photography is wayyyyy more than just a head shot. It helps you tell the story of your business. How you create your products, how you conduct your services. Your opinion on things, your personality. It’s that know, like, trust factor on steroids.

I like to show my personality and use lots of humour in my marketing and that can be polarising. Because not everyone gets my humour. And I am ok with that because it also attracts and magnetizes those people who do get me like heat seeking missiles.

Here are a few prompts for how you can use brand photography to tell your business story:

  • Talk about the business name – where did it come from, how did you choose it
  • Talk about your WHY. People LOVE this. Just see Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk to understand why.
  • Showcase your products and/or process
  • Talk about how you got started and any challenges you faced
  • Talk about how you want your customers to FEEL when they buy your product/service.
  • Talk about your Unique Selling Points (USPs)

5. Quality images increase conversion rates!

I’m sure this is no newsflash to you, but to be in business, you need people to buy into your product or service, and that means, getting them to buy into YOU. No easy way around it, sorry!

If you want to attract and magnetise those ideal clients, then you are going to need to let them have a better understanding of you and your why, and then they will buy that product or service.

And sure, smartphones do have a good portrait mode these days, but a selfie will always be a selfie. A smartphone won’t relax you and draw your personality out like a professional brand photographer will!

About me

Hi, I’m Hannah! And this is me!

I’m a Yorkshire girl through and through hailing from beautiful and sometimes sunny Wetherby in Yorkshire. I live here with my hubby, our two kids and dog and I’ve been a professional photographer since 2017. I became fully self employed as a photographer in May 2020 – right in the midst of a global pandemic, and it’s the best thing I have ever done.

I’m happiest and most at peace with the world when I have a camera in my hand and my photographs are authentic, expressive and warm-hearted.

I’m also a firm believer that your headshots don’t have to be stuffy and formal and that getting your personality across is a really good thing!

And I provide Brand photography UK wide!

Contact me if you’d like to chat about your brand photography requirement

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