The (un)posing guide to wedding and couple portraits

So how DO you get those natural, warm and non-awkward couple shots?

The (un)posing guide to wedding and couple portraits


It’s not what you might think. It isn’t about reading through a list of set poses or shouting out strange prompts at them (e.g. describe your fave veggie in an erotic voice, anyone?!? Ughhhhh!)

It’s about building that relationship with your clients in a totally authentic way, being genuinely interested in them and getting them to relax and trust you.

The 18-page guide does include 25 of my go-to prompts for wedding photography.

What people are saying

Hannah, I can’t thank you enough for this guide! As someone just starting out in wedding photography this is incredibly helpful advice. I’ve always thought I was quite good at making people feel comfortable in front of the camera but your tips and go to poses are definitely going to improve my work. I cannot wait for my next couple shoot and wedding to use your guide and put your pointers to work!

– Sophie Liffen Photography

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